May 2, 2015

SMS from

Since Ramsgate I have now been travelling for three days. This will be my fourth night without much sleep. Tomorrow morning I will pay my debts in Egersund. I hope someone will wake me up from my probable close to full general anesthesia.
The moon keeps me company, but the dolphins have left. Not a single boat out here but mine.
Little, quiet Norway.
I like this place
Thanks again
Rolf out

SMS from

The houses of Ramsgate were less well kept than those in the French cities. As if people were poor here. But the ones I spoke to were happy. A very kind and very old previously fisherman was visiting the harbour office regularly. He had such a good mood. You can't take anything with you in the end. Spend it all. He said laughing.
I just did. Expensive trip this one.
From Ramsgate I decided to go directly to Norway. Exciting to find the way through the Thames outside of London. Moving sandbanks, lanes of traffic to different countries, windmillparks on the seabed, fog and stormy showers. A fulltime job the first hours. And then going zigzag between oil and gas rigs of different nations. All with their own watchdog, a supplyship showing AIS teeth in the dark to prevent boaters from tanking by selfservice.

SMS from

And after the crossing my further going was made easy by a gate separating me from the big ships. Plenty of space almost on my own. I slowed down to get some daylight before Dover but also here the gate led me through without having to argue with the big boats. On the sandbanks outside Ramsgate the fog was back. But the channel into the harbour was well marked.

SMS from

After she left in Brest I had the customs on board. Friendly regular check. By 7 uniformed men and one woman. The most thorough control so far. Engine room, small hiding places, my Norwegian logbook. But they did not find my legal bottle of Kraken Rum. In the bathroom.
From Brest I have been solosailing. Before Cherbourg behind Alderney in the fog struggling to read the movements of a close trawling fishingboat the currents and tidal whirls tried to set me all out. By sail and engine the boat barely moved. I told my engine to give it all and then the situation slowly resolved. A thrilling, mysterious, scary and in the end satisfactory experience. Increasing daylight was making the further passage around the Cape of Hague a piece of cake.
Next passage was uneventful. The fog when crossing the E Channel was no problem thanks to daytime and the radar.

SMS from

Dolphins again, for hours. Two really big ones and many small. They seem to do some traffic education. How to cross close beneath a happy wavejumping boat. They may also have been trying to teach my boat to dive. I forgive them, beautiful creatures. And the water is so clear I can see their bodies when below the surface. Strong and fast. I don't get tired of watching. The clear water is the North Sea 12 hours southwest of Norway. 'Kristine' is returning home.
The trip from the Azores was 7 d, plus 2 over the Bay of Biscay. My sister Kristin was the key to success. Not only did she handle the boat well, but also the owner. I was beginning to get slim but not any longer. Buns w cinnamon and w vanillacream. Irresistible.

Apr 13, 2015

SMS from

The sun just opened it's red eye on me from the horizon. As if it did not get much sleep tonight, neither. It is 6:30 and we are about 2 days away from La Coruna and the Bay of Biscay. We left Sao Miguel 5 days ago, my sister Kristin and me. The Azores seemed to be beautiful islands but we hurry along to try to reach the English Channel before Kristin has to get back to work. A lot of dolphins welcomed us as we approached Ponta Delgada last week. And two sprays of water made us move closer. Watching whales is exciting. First I suggested that this was one with separate hot and cold water, but the two sprays was actually representing two of the kind. In thanks of being videorecorded they finally dived showing the classic goodbyetail. Amazing. The Atlantic ocean has been rough but also smooth, and with beautiful birds and sea animals. What a Creator! Thanks again. R

Apr 1, 2015

SMS from

We have had some wonderful days with speedy sailing now. But approaching the Azores the high pressure system does not allow sailing for the time being. Hakuna matata, we have enough diesel to go all the way to Ponta Delgada if necessary, 370 Nm. We are racing with dolphins now and then, beautiful animals. I hope to spot some whales between the islands. I have heard that the male whale will approach a sailing boat as if she is a female whale. When he comes close to our boat I guess he will hear the noise of the engine and move at a careful distance.

Once a week there is a ship passing by. The other day a container ship with Chinese letters (no, not biscuits, just on the side of the hull) was passing slowly westwards. Toys for US ?
Today we saw a glimpse of an orange structure. Probably a camouflaged fruitloving shark w a preference for oranges.
Happy Easter holidays! R